Saturday, July 30, 2011

Using Internet in Education

Now a days we are really exposed in using the Internet specially in education. We can learn lots of things in the internet but it can also harm us or destroy us if were not going to use it in the right way. This week of having class with my instructor really help me to know lots of search engine like the Google. She also teach us how to use about that particular site or search engine. For me the most common and popular site now is the twiter,as my instructor told us it depends on you on how you gonna use it. Much better if you use some search engine in your e-learning to help you and get some idea to the author who make that information and not to copy and paste it because as we all know thats not gonna help us and its probihited. Plagiarism now a days is really common but we should not do that as an educated student.

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